Experiment? I hardly know ment!: A photoessay of dessert failure

[This post was written by our dear friend Kerry. Sadly the migration to wordpress ate up all the guest authors. Here you can find the original post with the original author.]

Earlier this month Carmen threw the dessert gauntlet down and challenged us all to a chocolate-cake-in-a-mug-off. Some of us accepted that challenge. Some of us failed miserably. Some of us are me, and here is our story. Continue reading

Hallowe’en Treat #1: Orange Chocolate Mousse

[This post was written by our dear friend and co-founder Hazel (now he’s our honorary house ghost). Sadly the migration to wordpress ate up all the authors not named Carmen/Elisa. Here you can find the original post with the original author.]

I could write out a recipe for this, and probably will at some point this week, but fuck me was this tiring. I may write a couple of don’ts for this recipe so you’ll have some idea of some of the things that went wrong.

Remember to add the evil almond face.
If you want to achieve that iridescent orange, just remember to pour slightly too much red into the mix then accidentally pour the whole bottle of yellow in afterwards. Goodnight… IF YOU CAN.

Choco-banana Pancake

If there is but one fact we can all base our entire faith in science on, it’s that pancakes are the best (Richard Feyman, 1951). Now, how do we make the best thing in the world even better? Let’s put some Nutella and banana slices up in there. Let me show you how! This is what you’ll need:

What you see here is:
– Pancake batter (PRO TIP: add some oatmeal to your pancake batter. It’s good and good for you!)
– Some Nutella (or equivalent)
– 1 banana
– Vanilla Kesam (like vanilla yoghurt but thicker)

So the first step is obviously making a pancake. I only recommend one pancake per person because Death By Pancake is SRS BSNS. This is what it should look like:

So now you’ve got your pancake all good and ready. Next step is to gently cover it in Nutella and banana slices, while singing along to Toto’s Africa. I BLESSED THE RAAAAINS DOWN IN AAAFRICAAA

Great job! Looks pretty and delicious! Now, roll up the pancake like a rug you have to put away in storage because it reminds you too much of your unhappy childhood and/or crazy persian nights. At this point you have two choices: you can take the pancake as it is, and stuff it in your face hole. OR you can POP IT IN THE OVEN. Guess which one New Dessert Science Magazine recommends.

Leave the pancake in the oven for about 5 minutes, or long enough to sing along to one of Elton John’s greatest hits (hooold me closer tiiiny daaaancer). When you take the pancake out, it should be all cripsy and melty and sizzling and just begging for some ice cream or whipped cream. Or some kesam, whatever. It’s a free world country! This is roughly what you’ll end up with:

Great job! Now put it in your face!

NDSM Picture of the day (week/month/year): Looks like science, tastes like dessert!

This is a dessert I once ate while on vacation in Indonesia. I didn’t make it myself. I didn’t even buy it myself, but I did order it myself! Doesn’t it look very cool? I don’t remember what it was though, maybe some kind of pudding. But it has smoke! And while it doesnt look much like a dessert, it does look a lot like science, so win-win!

[Recipe] Gorgeous Greenhill’s Gooey Souffles

[This post was written by our dear friend Ian. Sadly the migration to wordpress ate up all the guest authors. Here you can find the original post with the original author.]

What You Need

  • 200g of chopped dark chocolate. Get a wee bit extra too for the centre (about a section per souffle)
  • 150g butter cut into cubes and a wee extra for the ramekins
  • 6 eggs
  • 175g sugar
  • 125g plain flour

What To Do

Pre-heat yer oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4 (I think they are the right conversions). Butter 6 medium or wee ramekins. Pro Tip; The ramekins I got were actually old glass pots for fancy cakes by a company called GU. Perfect size and glass seems to work best for souffles! Melt the chocolate with the butter in a bowl over simmering water, you can do it in a microwave if you are a lazy cunt but it definitely tastes worse. Beat the eggs with the sugar until they are very light and fluffy, fluffy enough to hold over your head and do a wee dance without them falling, and then fold in the flour. Fold in the chocolate mixture. Nae too hard, eh?

Then you want to divide them between the ramekins. To make them ‘gooey’ I applied a wee layer to the bottom of the ramekin and then added chocolate flakes in the centre and then topped the rest up with the souffle mixture. My reasoning for the flakes it that they would be a wee bit lighter and thus less likely to make the mixture sink or for the chocolate to sink to the bottom. It worked, so I guess my method must be okay! Keep them in the oven for 10 to 12 minutes. I like to watch them cook to see how far gone they are. Whatever you do, do not open the oven prematurely to check as that will make them sink and you will be filled with regret and feel like such a useless cunt (it has happened to me before). I like to blast Enya’s ‘Orinocco Flow’ on loop while I am waiting as it aides the wee guys on their way. You can serve with cream or ice-cream, but I like to eat them on their own.

Science experiments!

What is science without some experiments? BORING!

But seeing how we editors of New Dessert Science Magazine, are super busy with doing research and other science things, we wanted to ask YOU, the reader (Yes, you lonely reader!) to help us out!

We ask you to work on this experiment and comment us the pictures! With some comments on how it turned out! (Or tweet us and we will help you, you know who we are.)

Here is the experiment!


4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
A small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug (MicroSafe)

  1. Put dry ingredients in the mug and mix it by stirring!
  2. Add the egg and mix some more.
  3. Pour in the milk and oil and mix even more!
  4. (Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again.)
  5. Put your mug in the microwave and bake it for 3 minutes at 1,000 watts.
  6. The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don’t be alarmed!
  7. Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.
  8. Put it in your facehole after taking some pictures!

This will surely be yummie!

Please show us what you’ve got! And we will put you in a pretty blogpost! So pretty.
(source: the interwebs.)